Artist History
When I started on this adventure in 2021, I had no idea I would end up where I am today; what began as a hobby has led to the most enjoyable times of my life. I’ve met many great people in the past three months, both customers and people I’ve worked alongside at the art festivals.
How it all started – I purchased a Pour Painting from a local furniture store. The delivery was supposed to be two weeks. Well after waiting four weeks, I decided to take a drive down to Miami from Tampa to pick up my painting. After hanging the piece (beautiful and worth the drive), I decided to create my own Pour Paintings. I started making paintings, lots of them. I sold a few but was nervous about putting my artwork/myself out there, so my office is a wall-to-wall painting. In September of 2021, I found some round canvases online and thought maybe I could make a clock out of these, and I began making clocks for family and friends. They all encouraged me to get a website or sell online; thank goodness they never stopped pushing me. My first time selling the clocks was at my neighborhood garage sale, and I was surprised how well I did, so I signed up for my first local art festival that evening.
The rest is history – I’m now participating in evening and weekend events every month. I wouldn’t be where I am today with the support and help from my friends and family.